Top 10 largest countries by area

Name Capital City Official Language(s) Area (km2) Population Currency Russia Moscow Russian 17,098,246 146,150,789 Ruble (RUB) Canada Ottawa English, French 9,984,670 41,465,298 Canadian Dolar (CAD) United States Washington D.C. English 9,826,675 340,110,988 US Dollar (USD) China Beijing Standard Chinese 9,596,961 1,409,670,000 Renminbi (CNY) Brazil Brasília Portuguese 8,515,767 212,583,750 Real (BRL) Australia Canberra English 7,692,024 27,613,800 […]

Kings and Queens of England

The Saxons Egbert (827 – 839)Aethelwulf (839 – 858)Aethelbald (858 – 860)Aethelbert (860 – 866)Aethelred I (866 – 871)Alfred the Great (871 – 899)Edward the Elder (899 – 924)Athelstan (924 – 939)Edmund (939 – 946)Eadwig (955 – 959)Edgar (959 – 975)Edward the Martyr (975 – 978)Aethelred II THE Unready (978 – 1016)Edmund II Ironside (1016)Canute […]

List of chemical elements

Another of my personal interests is chemistry so I thought I’d start by listing all currently known elements in the universe, together with the year they were discovered and the individual who made the discovery. This is the complete list of all elements currently recognized on the periodic table. Hydrogen (H) – 1766 (Henry Cavendish)Helium […]

World’s most populous cities

It has always been a source of interest to me to know what the most highly populated cities on our planet are. It’s important to note that different sources may provide varying estimates due to differences in data collection methods and definitions of city boundaries. As of 2025, the largest cities in the world by […]

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Hi there and welcome! I'm so glad you decided to visit. This blog is my little corner of the internet where I explore the things that make life vibrant, inspiring, and endlessly fascinating, and share them with you. From the captivating worlds of film and music to the thrill of travel, the pursuit of health and fitness, the art of photography, and the wonders of science, there's something here for everyone who loves learning, creating, and growing.